About Us


Just over 8 years ago in a potting shed at the bottom of a Gloucestershire garden, the idea for a new fixing came from a problem that needing solving.

"How do I attach this bracket to this box section?"

After trial and error, a simple yet ingenious solution was found. A metal bar threaded one end with a toggle that swings out from a slot in the bar.

The Blind Bolt is a constructional cavity fixing that can be used horizontally or vertically and in the certain applications, even removed.

It is a high performance fixing with a product range of M8 to M30 in diameter and manufactured in High Tensile Steel. For applications requiring a high degree of protection, we offer a Magni 560 style coating which offers approximately 1000 hours of salt spray and on certain sizes A4 Stainless Steel.

Just drill, rotate and tighten. It's the simplicity of the Blind Bolt that makes it the ideal choice when working at height or where access is restricted. No need for special tools or oversize holes, its simplicity in itself.

We are very proud of our successes so far and have supplied the Blind Bolt to many prestigious projects including:

  • The Bull Ring Project in Birmingham - the largest building project in Europe
  • New multi- million pound Walks Shopping Centre in Basingstoke
  • Shell UK Ltd
  • Railtrack approved for up to 125 MPH (PA05/710) on steel sleepers.
  • British waterways.
  • BP / Amoco Oil Production Co.
  • Toyota Factory (Derby)
  • Leeds railway station.

We are winning contracts on the superior performance and relative low cost of our product.

This has led to production of large quantities of the Blind Bolt enabling us to offer our product to a wider range of industries and to many more applications.

Blindbolt Logo
Thin Wall Bolt Logo
Heavy Duty Bolt Logo